Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bliss Is Celebrating a Best Selling Book!!!!

Over the past year, I have been a part of a dream come true; the creation, process, and birth of a book.  What makes this book special is the fact that 12 women came together in such a magical and beautiful way to make this book happen.  I am privileged to be one of the 12!  It had always been a dream to write a book, or be in a book and have it published.

In this day and age when there are millions of published books and even 10's of millions of unpublished books, to be a part of a book that went "BEST SELLER" in less than a week of release, is beyond my dreams.  But...  I can certainly live with it and get used to it!

Dreams do come true, and one focuses on the dream and does the work required, then the rewards are beyond the expectations.  I have been blessed with this understanding and gifted with the results by really focusing on not attaching to the outcome.  Leaving the outcome to the great architect of the Universe, God, then the results are better than the limitations of my expectations.

It was not easy to come to this point because the ego does want to 'rule the roost', so to speak.  I have done a lot of reading on this, listening to teachers, being coached on this, and after saying, what the heck, I am tired of trying to control, manipulate, and inflict my will, I then submitted to "Thy Will".  Truly giving yourself to the Universal  flow, and releasing the angst, and attachment to the outcome, has really given me the peace to enjoy and live in harmony and peace.  Now that IS Bliss

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Bliss Is Being ALIVE In The Here & Now

I recently had to, finally, break down and get some professional photography done.  The old photo I was using in many places, taken at a restaurant a couple of years ago, no longer cut it!  I have had too many changes in my life, and needed to have something that reflected the person I am now.

I have come through many life storms: The loss of my dad while in nursing school.  The loss of a precious son after open heart surgery.  The loss of my husband to illness, and then divorce.  The loss of a 26 year marriage.  The loss of the family home.

I have also come through many blessings:  4 beautiful children. Finding my strength. Finding my truth.  Finding my talents.  Most of all coming through the storms of life is a blessing in itself.

Bliss is being thankful for all that I had, have and will have.  Bliss is living in the moment, reflecting on this moment and knowing life is good.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bliss Is Going To Work When You Didn't Have To! Huh?

Did I mess up, or what?!

As a part time RN, I live for my schedule....  My shifts are given to me about 2 weeks to a month in advance.  So I noted that this weekend I was to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday day shifts all three.  I went to work Friday, and did my shift.  My boss and I discussed plans for the weekend, a long weekend here in Canada, and I remarked I would be working day shift Saturday and Sunday.  I did not check the schedule book to confirm, but went on what was on my calendar at home.   She did not confirm the weekend schedule and took me at my word!

Needless to say, Friday evening was filled with the angst of having to work all weekend, and so I cut the grass and did the laundry. Planning my life and work based on the schedule.  I go to bed at the right time so as to ensure the proper amount of sleep.  I awaken to my alarm and hit the snooze a couple of times to get a little more of that sleep; knowing that I will be having a busy day.  Luxuriating in 10 extra minutes of blessed sleep.  Opening my eyes to the dawn of a beautiful God-given day, I give thanks and hit the floor.

As always, I am ten minutes late getting out of the door.  Plate in hand as I hold my toasted tomato sandwich and kale smoothie, rushing out the door to my car and the 40 minute commute.  It is 6am on a luscious Saturday morning.

I arrive to work to find the full time RN there.

Of course the embarrassed chuckles of "Oh, you ARE here".  The confusion of my schedule faux pas was discovered at 11pm the evening before when a check by the evening and night RN's discovered I was not scheduled.  They DID NOT call to confirm or put me out of my misery at that time!  Allowed me to go through the motions of this scheduling mishap.  I laughed and simply said, "Well better to show up, than to miss a shift!"   I also remarked that it IS hard to get access to the schedule book when working day shift as management have it in their hands most of the time.  Remarked also about the full time gal's lovely hairdo, and left for the embarrassed 40 minute drive home.  Or wast it?

With gas prices at an all time high and an hour and half of unnecessary drive time, I reflected.  I was actually ahead of the game for a FREE weekend off.  Having worked more weekends than enjoyed them, this was actually a gift.  I was washed, dressed (in my uniform which will come off as soon as I get home), fed, awake and able to create this weekend to be anything I want it to be!  Life is good.  The day was waking up, and able to appreciate the spring fauna and flora as I took the long, peaceful country route home.

Arriving home to the happiness of my beloved fur-baby, Daisy.  I quickly rid myself of my work persona, and uniform and returned to bed, to grab some more precious sleep that I had thought lost, now found!

Hmmm...  what else would you do?   New found time to rest and rejuvenate.   Now that is bliss!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Bliss Is Belief

Belief in a better tomorrow is bliss.  Belief in yourself is bliss.  Belief in this moment of creation today is bliss!  

Monday, May 5, 2014

Bliss Is....

Celebrating a friend's success!

Bliss Is Getting Up Early On A Monday Morning - Even If You Don't Have To!

I got up early this beautiful Monday morning.  Why? Because I don't have to!


Bliss is choosing your wake up time and not waking up to an alarm clock.  Bliss is deciding how your day is going to unfold.  For me the dog is asleep beside me and the window is open to the song of birds chirping and singing their morning song.  Today is about working in my pj's in  bed and letting the day unfold in beautiful and magnificent ways.  

Now that IS Bliss!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bliss Is Celebration!

The birth of a friends first granddaughter!  Now THAT is BLISS!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bliss Is Prismatic Sunlight Through A Stained Glass Window

Several years ago I created a stained glass panel.   I always loved the effect of sunlight streaming through the various colors and prisms and I knew I wanted that experience in my own home.  I took classes and learned the craft and dreamed and created exactly the piece for my home. Framed in wood from our farm, it was perfect!  I hung that piece with pride in just the right window and enjoyed it daily.  But when the big change in my life occurred, I remorsed.  Where will this beautifully, wonderfully crafted and created piece hang again!  Will it hang again?

It was on the way to the bliss I feel today that life and luck would have it.  The moves that occurred along the way to where I sit today, in the beautiful life I live today.  It hangs in the perfect spot, in the perfect window, chosen especially for  this handcrafted piece. It has life again, and pride of presence.  Each sun-filled morning when the sun rises to shine again on this magnificent journey of life, it shines through this beautiful piece.  The colors of prismatic and sparkling white shine through and sparkle on the wall, along with the hues of burgundy and green. Dappling and dancing on the wall when I awaken to take my first conscious breath of the day.

I luxuriate in the journey of creation and the experience in the joy of the moment.  That is bliss!

Bliss Is Expressing Yourself To The World! And... People Actually Listening

Four years ago, seems like a lifetime ago, my husband walked out of our life!  Four years ago, my life suddenly changed!  Four years ago, I could not imagine how happy and fulfilled my life is now today.

Four years, seems like an eternity, but goes by so quickly.  It is like a blink in the cosmic eye of the grand scheme of things. It is like just a heartbeat, yet a turning point in the scheme of things. What has ripped us apart has actually restructured and pulled me together.  For what was painful and difficult, hurtful and disarming, has actually shaped, molded and re-created what was into what is.  Where once, I felt mute, I now feel strong.  I have found my voice, and now know that people listen.  I have found platform and structure and have built and created and honed and polished, defining and aligning in what gives me bliss.  Now that is bliss!

Follow me on Facebook to capture the magic of E Factor Radio Network..  Giving the gift of voice to others with a vision, mission and passion to make the world a better place

A Dogs Love Is Bliss

Do you have an animal companion?  I do.  Daisy chose us 8 years ago.  She had been found by the pound running up and down the streets of our town with her collar and leash on. A rambunctious Jack Russell with energy to burn, she was caught and taken into custody.  Her mug shot in the local paper did not reach, or was ignored by her previous owners. Her energy so huge for a body so tiny.
I remember the day clearly, when I called my cousin, who managed the local animal shelter. I had just come home permanently from a job that had taken me away from my family for most of the year.  Travelling here and flying there.  You may know the kind of job that demands more of your soul than you are willing to commit.  It had been a grueling year.  I was home again and able to define life.  So I decided to get a dog.

I made the call, and asked my cousin, to let me know when they have an adorable little dog needing a home.  She immediately informed me that she had just the thing, but asked if I knew anything about Jack Russell's. I did not.  She told me they are small, but mighty.  They can be a handful. They love to run, and they have energy to spare.  They have a mind of their own, but if they chose you, you would have the most loving, kind and loyal dog ever.  She was warning me and encouraging me at the same time.   My daughter and I just had to meet this little charmer.  And we did.  

I remember we went into the inner sanctum of the shelter, and there was this little cage with this little white dog with a bit of brindle on part of her face and ears.  I had to laugh, because she looked like the lawn ornament my mom had by her back door.  You may have seen the one that barks when you walk by, but all you see is their tail end pointing up out the the flower bed.  

My cousin's opened the door of the kennel and said watch out because we don't know what she will do.  She may bolt out of the kennel and run, so be prepared.  They opened the door and the dog practically smiled when she looked up and immediately rolled onto her back for a belly rub!  That was it!  Love at first sight!  Who could refuse, and immediately this little orphan charmed her way into our hearts.  My daughter had to test drive her, so out into the yard they ran!  She was sleek and funny, and full of life.  She did not run away as was feared, but ran with my daughter in a playful way that was true joy!  She chose us!

It has been 8 bliss filled years.  Through the years, she has never let her size limit her.  She has taken on the biggest and the best, like the time she took on a snowplow whisking snow off the road in front on our house.  She chased that thing a quarter mile down the road before she allowed it on its way.  She kept pace barking and running beside it.  Keeping pace.  My heart in my throat the entire time.  Worrying that the dog would be killed for certain, yet sustaining a minor graze to her left paw.   And... other times, like the incredible mule-like stubborn pulling strength of a dog determined.  Practically ripping my arm out of its socket when going for a simple walk. And...  the ear piercing bark whenever she sees a squirrel.  All endearing of a dog that chose us!

Last night I was awakened by her dream. Snuggled as always on top of the bed but glued to my legs, I was awakened by her muffled sleep barks, and her legs moving as if chasing something in her dreams. Gently reminding me that even the smallest of animals have dreams.  What are they?  Are they reliving their last great chase, or dreaming of dreams and goals, or the next big chase?  Who knows.  I do know that this exquisite creature of love, determination, strength and fearlessness chose us.  Now that is bliss!

Do You Ever Have That Feeling

Do you ever have that feeling?  You know the one.  It's that feeling that happens inside when your happiness cannot be contained.  It feels warm and tingly inside as if your entire body is smiling.  That's bliss!

Bliss Is A Saturday Morning

Today, in the secret hours of morning.  You know the time when it is really your own.  The phone hasn't rang, and the alarm clock is off.  The time of day when the fingers of dawn are reaching into the night and pulling morning forward, when the world is relatively still, and the sounds of the birds outside your window sing the clearest melody.  It is a time of day of found treasures.  Opening my eyes and becoming conscious of life, of breath, of peace.  There is hope in the air and the promise of all that is possible.  That is bliss!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Bliss Blog Journey Begins!

The Bliss Blog Journey Begins! YES!  Bliss is one of the highest emotions we can feel in this 3D body!  What is bliss?  Well, this is what this blog is all about.  I think it will take years to figure it out.  To me, I don't think there are words that can describe it.   So, it will be feelings and events that will describe.

Like today...  Bliss was hearing my daughter tell me, "I love you mom", as she prepared to leave for work. It wasn't so much the words, as the feeling of the experience of all the I love you mom moments in life.  It is the security of feeling loved, from the life you gave birth to.  To knowing she is honoring the bond that exists between mother and child.  The greater purpose of life is to give life.  Being chosen to give life. Fulfilling life's destiny of continuing the lineage of the human experience.  That's bliss.